The Executive Board of Waban Common, Inc., would like to identify with gratitude some behind-the-scenes volunteers who have helped us to reach and maintain the present beautiful state of Waban Common. Some of these volunteers wear multiple hats as they work proudly for our organization.  In addition to our Executive Board (President Sallee Lipshutz, Treasurer Tom Elkind, and Secretary Barbara Brustowicz) who carry out multiple functions between Board of Director Meetings, our Board of Directors also includes Carol Todreas, Megan Meirav, Gail Wintersteiner, Matt Stanberry, Marlo Tremaglio, and Margie Arons-Barron. Those volunteers who have also done “heavy lifting” while gardening and/or mulching include Bob Brustowicz husband of Waban Common Secretary, Barbara Brustowicz; Tom Elkind our Waban Common Treasurer; Waban Area Councilor Drake McCabe; andWaban Area Council President Rena Getz. Of course,our gardening group volunteers who routinely help are Barbara Brustowicz , Lise Elkind (spouse of Tom Elkind), Gail Wintersteiner, Linda Crowe, and Kimm Eckhoff.

A community project like Waban Common does not succeed without volunteers who invest their time to help. All these volunteers are residents of Waban and we are extremely thankful to all of them.

N.B.: SAVE THE DATE!!! We are at long last planning our Official Dedication which will take place Saturday, May 6 at 2:00 P.M. at Waban Common. Our Waban Common Board Member, Marlo Tremaglio, is organizing the event which will include a ribbon-cutting by Newton City Mayor, Ruthanne Fuller. Details will soon follow!